Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is the connection between Moles (skin) and Cancer?

If you have a mole/s does it mean you have cancer?

If you have a mole/s does it mean you can get cancer?

If you have had a moles froma young age, does it mean you are at risk?

If you are a child (1-18 years old) can you get cancer through a mole?

What are moles?

i would really want to know the information above, will be most greatful....or any information at all will be also helpful

What is the connection between Moles (skin) and Cancer?
Phew lots of questions! I'll try to break each answer down

-Moles are not cancer. Most moles will not turn into cancer.

-Moles do have the potential to turn into cancer. You should keep an eye on them. Over 90% of moles will stay the same throughout life. Any mole which suddenly appears, or an existing mole which changes shape or colour is concerning and should be examined by a dermatologist.

- The variables which can affect whether moles are likely to be cancerous are; a family history of cancers, sunlight exposure and other carcinogen exposure such as smoking.

-Moles in childhood are extremely unlikely to turn into cancer whilst a child. But as i said, as the child gets older they should be aware of their moles and notice any change

-Moles are a high collection of melanocyte cells. They provide melanin which gives people their skin colour. People with darker skin have more melanocytes and thus more melanin but will rarely have moles on their body as the melanocytes are spread evenly throughout the skin. Melanin provides protection from the damaging affects of the sun.

-Most people will have 1 or 2 moles they have had since a young age

-Moles can develop as a response to sunlight. These are the new moles i mentioned which are at higher risk of being cancerous.

Hope this helps.
Reply:check this site out,

lots info on left hand side of the above website

having moles does not mean you get cancer

some moles can turn mallignant..but these are usally an odd shape and not round

most people get moles at a young age.would worry if a new one appeared when older/get checked out

anyone can get cancer from a mole...good to keep an eye on all of them..change of shape or colour/itching then must go to doctor.
Reply:i dont know thanks 2 pwon
Reply:Everyone has moles so you've no need to worry unnecessarily. They are just skin discolourations - sort of birthmarks. However, if you sunbathe a lot you can damage your skin. This sometimes shows up as brown spots which look similar to moles. They are also called age spots (because old skin has been exposed to the elements a lot longer than young peoples' skin). These are not cancerous in themselves - but as they are caused by too much sun (and are therefore bits of skin damage which wasn't there before) it's useful to have a look at them regularly to make sure they haven't changed. It's useful, if you are young, to occasionally look at all your moles to make sure they haven't changed shape or are not looking/feeling like they normally do (going crusty or weeping or bleeding - something like that). If that happens.....THEN you take yourself off to the doctor to have them professionally checked out. More often than not the doctor will tell you everything is OK, but if he thinks you DO have a 'dodgy' one, he'll send you for tests to make sure it isn't skin cancer. If it's caught in the early stages it can be cured. People who see changes and then waste time worrying about it but do nothing are the ones who have problems because they've left it too long and have to undergo lots of treatment. If you've got a mole that bothers you, go and see your doctor to put your mind at rest.
Reply:No moles are not all cancerous but if the mole is thick and nearly black not asymetric you should consult a dermatologist first.

No but it is safe to keep an eye on it .. or have it check by dermatologist.


Yes children do get skin cancer (melanoma) usualy fair skin or someone expose to the sun alot.

check the site you will see and learn alot form this


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