Friday, November 20, 2009

Determine number of moles?

Determine the # of moles of each type or ion in one mole of the following compound. Determine the # of moles of each atom present in ine mole of the ion

a. KNO3

b. Na2SO4

Determine number of moles?
1a. moles K+ and NO3- in KNO3

--1 mole K+

--1 mole NO3-

1b. moles Na+ and SO4-2 in Na2SO4

--2 moles Na+

--1 mole SO4-2

2a. moles K, N and O in KNO3

--1 mole K

--1 mole N

--3 moles O

2b. moles Na, S, O in Na2SO4

--2 moles Na

--1 mole S

--4 moles O

it's all about the subscripts.
Reply:a mole is 6.02 x 10 ^ 23rd power

so ussually you have to find the mass from the periodic table of elements and add them to give you the total mass of Na2SO4

Get your chemestry book and plug in the equation from there lol its quite simple I finished the chapter on moles last semester but baked my brains with the ganja so ... its vivid... but yea anyway plug it in man thats how I aced the test ... good luck dogg

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