Monday, November 16, 2009

Chemistry -moles-?

Sodium is an essential ingredient in the human diet. The federal food and drug administration recommmends that the average adult daily requirement for sodium is 2.4 grams. Sodium is ingested through consuming plant and animal tissues, but another good source is table salt,sodium chloride.

a)write the chemical formula of sodium chloride.

b)What is the gram formula mass of a mole of Sodium Chloride?

c)How many moles of table salt, Sodium chlride would need to be comsumed in order to ingest the 2.4grams?

Plz explain how u got the answers i am very clueless lol thank you in advance

Chemistry -moles-?
a) The formula is NaCl, because sodium is Na and Cl is Cl, Na has a +1 charge, Cl, has a -1 charge, so it's balanced

b) One mole is one unit, so... the molecular weight of Na is 23 and the weight of Cl is 35.5, so 23+ 35.5 = 58.5 grams

c) Ok, so this would be division. You know that one mole of NaCl is 58.5 grams, so to ingest 2.4 grams would be 2.4/58.5 of a mole.

Hope that was helpful!

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